Growing at home

I have various in seed trays indoors:

  • chillies – late to sow this year, probably ready to put in individual pots
  • celeriac – lots of seedlings but they take an age to grow…
  • leeks – I have a pot outside undercover with leeks but I also sowed some indoors in the seed tray too, you can never have too many leeks (I will probably do further sowings next month too
  • beetroot – trying it out as the germination outside undercover has been pretty poor. These ones in the tray indoors are doing much better, I need to think what to do with them when they get a bit bigger
  • various types of lettuce, and rocket, to take over when the time comes from plants already outside
  • cucumber, no luck with germination outside undercover, trying indoors instead
  • cucumelons – as above

Outside, but undercover, I have:

  • transplanted tomato plants to larger pots
  • transplanted sprout plants to larger pots
  • sown chard seed

Outside, and in the ground:

  • beetroot seedlings from being in the seed tray undercover to planted out. Germination has been poor and I don’t know why.
  • a second row of carrots. Waiting for the first row to appear
  • banked up some of the potatoes as they poked up through the soil, using a mixture of normal banking up the soil and also using old grass cuttings as a mulch on top.

Battling with cats to keep them off the onions and basically any small gap that you would think no cat would bother trying to get through or in, but they seem to be attracted to them instead.

I dug the last bit of the bed which has been covered with off cuts of turf since we started and so was quite easy now to dig over.

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