Starting to sow seeds

Suddenly… it was time to sow seeds for 2023 and with the prospect of it getting busy as the days get longer and warmer (maybe?!) with sowing I thought I would make a slightly early start indoors.

I’ve sowed onions to replace the left over onion sets I thought I had lost and rediscovered again. I probably don’t need the onion’s from seed now but I’ll leave them to germinate and grow. Meanwhile, the nearly discovered onion sets I have planted in the garden to fill in gaps from the existing over wintering onions. It seems our north facing and very wet garden is not so good for over wintering, which I can understand. While most of the over wintered onions have made it, about 25% have not and gaps left by them have now been filled with the sets.

I also sowed lettuce, indoors, in a rows within a seedtray. Within seconds it seemed they have germinated. I have now put them outdoors undercover, along with the leeks. That leaves just the chilies indoors and give it another week and I think they will need repotting.

I took a couple of the broad bean plants I had been growing at home and put in the ground at the plot. It hasn’t been the best year so far, is it bad seed (a lot never germinated, even ones indoors) or bad weather (first time we have had frost multiple times for years), maybe a bit of both.

It was too wet to do much at the plot, and in fact there was not much needing to be done.

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1 thought on “Starting to sow seeds

  1. Bought seed potatoes yesterday as well as flower seeds. The broad beans all disappeared with the first hard frost so have planted more in trays in the greenhouse. Not gardening weather today, too windy and wet!!

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