Tag: beans
Wet and Damp – and some Fails
It has been very wet and damp these last weeks and now the sun is much lower during…
Late Broad Beans
I never used to like broad beans, but now I think they are great both with skins on…
How are the winter seedlings doing?
After a lot of rain the winter seedlings are popping up all over the place. The turnips have…
Broad Beans and Onions
I have never tried growing during the winter period, so thought now would be a good time while…
Eating French Beans
We have taken a couple of pickings of our french beans this week. We have grown runner beans…
Beans, Peas, and the attack of the Tomatoes
Despite the black fly which seems to be covering our garden like a blanket, these french beans are…
A couple of days of wind and rain
After a good month of blue skies, hot weather and sun sun sun… we had two or three…
I did plan to do the supports like the book suggests, but time took over and after thinking…
Saving Beans
Beans, they are so easy to grow and so nice to eat. At the end of the growing…
Along Comes the Wind
The poles seem to sturdy when you put them in, and yet within not too long the wind…
Eight Runner Beans Plants Too Much?
Our first harvest of runner beans took place a number of weeks ago. We are now under constant…
Beans and Snails
Notice here that the right-hand side has little growth whereas the rest is having a great time growing. …
Beans have a slow start
You can hardly see them, but there are a number of runner bean plants slowly growing here. I…
Runner Beans at Last
Not much growing success with runner beans this year, all a bit strange. The ones I planted outside…
Bean Poles Erected!
Moved slightly along this year, still using the green and read poles from last. Ihave not had much…
Sunflowers of all types
While the tomato plants are doing really well, the giant sunflowers and sweet peas have yet to show. …
Wigwams down
It must be autumn, not only are the mornings so dark and depressing, but after last weekend of…
Wigwams blown down
The first one came down the other week during the strong wind and rain we had. The second…
Beans Beans Beans
We didn’t grow the runner beans in order to achieve a massive great harvest, but what we do…
@w14 – beans
They are still climbing, flowering, and I noticed a couple of small runny beans hanging off the other…
@10 weeks – sweetpeas and beans
The runner beans are making a runner for the top of the wigwams, even against all the strong…
@week 9 – Beans and Sweetpeas
It is hard to spot them all here, but loom and you will see runner beans climbing up…
@Seven Weeks – Runner Beans
They are now all planted out at the wigwams.
Second Wigwam
It was been quite a while since last post and that is mainly down to being out of…
It’s been a while, but I have been away from home. Last weekend we spent some time putting…
@Four Weeks
So much going on and so little time to do things! I have added a whole load…
Beans planted
A weekend of planting beans and painting bean poles! We don’t really want too many beans, but…