Saving Beans

Saving Beans

Saving Beans

Beans, they are so easy to grow and so nice to eat.  At the end of the growing you can save some seed for next year.   You get all this then for nothing!

It is all a bit silly really as we have enough beans here to plant a field of them next year, but there is something about popping beans out of their pods that “once you pop you cannot stop” as the TV ad keeps telling me.   T&J certainly enjoyed it all.    We have here a mixture of runner beans and french beans.  The smaller black ones are sweet peas, as you can see not all of them were fully ready as they are green and far from dried.  These have gone into the airing cupboard for a while.

The beans are now in paper envelopes in a dry dark place in the garage, away from any mice and ready for next year.

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