Suddenly… everything needed planting

An attempt to empty the pots and plant out anything that looked like it would rather be in the ground instead. This turned out to be most things including:

  • tomatoes
  • beans (runner, french, yellow)
  • leeks

I ran out of time (and space) for a lot of the leeks and the various cabbage plants will have to wait for another week, something which I am sure they will not be particularly happy about.

Five of the six runner beans had germinated, with the sixth looking like it needed another week before it looked more like a plant. Most of the beans are dwarf ones which means I don’t need to put any poles up for them to climb.

I managed to plant out some leeks but still have millions of them left. For now they are in small gaps of spaces but if they can last a couple more weeks then things like potatoes, onions, garlic should be starting to come out and free up a lot more room.

Out of the 12 tomato plants I am putting 6 straight in the ground on the plot and the others in pots at home. Tom helped me prep the ground for the tomatoes which will go where the old rosemary bush was. To help with this we have started to remake the perimeter fence which will bring this bit of the plot sitting within instead of outside of the main fence. There is still quite a bit of work left.

Lots of watering at it turned out to be a rather sunny and hot weekend. On saturday the butternut squash plants were looking thirsty but they recovered quickly with plenty of water.

Each year the plot gives a pumpkin plant to each person to grow and enter into a competition near the end of the yer. I neither like eating pumpkins or entering competitions and so I didn’t take part last year but I did notice not all were taken. I thought I would give it all a go, even if I neither eat or enter. I’ve planted this within the broad beans and rhubarb with the idea that the beans will have long gone and the rhubarb died well back by the time the pumpkin will need the space.

I took home:

  • strawberries, each third time this week
  • lettuce leaves
  • broad beans (millions of them)
  • rhubarb (a small bit)

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