Weekly Harvest 4th June 19

4th June

It’s about time we mentioned the chilies growing at home, we have been picking them this week and having some nice meals with them. We have a freezer full of broad beans and I was happy to pick a small bit of left over rhubarb. Best news is that it is strawberry time, massive big ones. Salad leaves I’ve had to compost some as it is growing so much (I haven’t included that hear seeing as we didn’t end up eating it).

B/F £14.71

Strawberries 466g£1.98
Broad Beans 1061g£1.86
Mixed Lettuce 46g£0.77
Rhubarb 177g£0.75
RUNNING 2019 TOTAL £20.72
Trillions of broad beans – more strawberries

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