After a lot of rain the winter seedlings are popping up all over the place. The turnips have come up and it that I was not too good at sowing just two seeds each time as I now have little clumps of them instead, they were very tiny seeds though. Not a problem as I am undecided if I should have four turnips per square or 16, I am becoming more in favor for 16 like the onions in order to end up with smaller onion sized turnips when the time comes. In a little bit then I will thin these seedlings out and put in formation for 16 per square if I am still thinking that way. Note the metal grilling over the top, the cat has not been back to dig it all up since but I will keep this all covered just in case.
Three squares of broad beans, one plant per square, and soon to be followed by a third when the carrots have been used up. I planted two beans per square in order to introduce some redundancy and all have come up so I will either transplant them to other squares or bin them. If these are meant to go over winter then I may as well keep as many squares as I can full for that time.
The winter onions are all popping up, infact they look more impressive at the moment than our many failed spring onion sowings we did during the spring. I will leave these for a little bit in order to get bigger before I thin any out and get each square filled with 16. I am hoping for all these we keep with the current warm weather followed by rain followed by sun again, although maybe during the week I am off work it would be nice for just sun…
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