Onions in the Garden

To give the plot a break from allium leaf minor I decided to grow all our onions in the garden for next year, starting with over wintering onions. I bought 500g of them which works out around 120 onions of which I planted 70. I’ll keep the others for sowing in the springtime.

Before I could do this I needed to pull up the old french and runner bean plants that had done all they were going to do. Likewise the spring onions that were left over and mostly turned into small normal onions. This bed also had the field beans that I sowed last month and had grown quite a bit. These are intended as green manure and even though they had not been in the ground enough, they were only ever going to be short term. I cut them down and hoed them into the soil. For the soil I added a couple bags of mushroom compost. I was pleased that with just a top layer of compost and a quick hoe was all that was needed.

I planted six rows and then covered it all over with netting, not so much to keep the birds off but more to keep the cats off.

Meantime, I checked the remaining beetroot and the butternut squashes. I picked the largest squash and put it in the sun, I’ll get it in a couple of days. We have two more still growing.

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