Letting the Beans Out

One bed is protected by the Popadomes, the other is covered in green netting. The steps needed to stop the “ever-pooing” cat off the beds in the garden goes into it’s next phase. While netting and Popadomes are good for most things (although the netting doesn’t look nice so is only really a temporary thing), any climbing beans means you cannot keep them netted in. Like always, the beans don’t really do much for weeks until suddenly they spring into life and start climbing so fast that you can watch them go, if you watch close enough for a while. Within a week they had done this and were now squashed under their netting wanting to be let out. I had no choice but to let them out, remove the netting.

I am hoping we have done enough to keep the cat off for now. The beetroot and carrots are still netted, while the beans are climbing up string on a frame I have made, the peas continue to climb up their supports. In-between I have put some of the metal grills (the peas are growing up most of them) as fences which I hope the cat will not think about jumping over.

It’s made the beds look a lot more “garden-like”, the green netting looks so ugly in the summer (at least during the winter you are not looking at or are out the garden much). It gave me a chance to tidy bits up too, remove the odd weed (rogue tomato plants germinating), thin bits out. I also tidied up within the Popadomes, pulling up small radish that have gone to seed, staking and tying up tomato plants.

After all that, it started raining as if it meant it, the first time in probably over a month.

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