Midweek evening – no need to water

Wednesday evening me and Tom go to the plot to weed, water, and generally potter about.   This week we went on Thursday evening and watering was not needed.   The weekend was super hot and sunny, but since then it has been raining hard while still being hot and humid.   This meant we had extra weeding to do this evening.  I pulled up endless bindweed within the raspberries while Tom made a good job weeding and leveling off some of the paths.

Note to self, next time we need to plant some more runner and french bean seeds.   I put in plants the other week grown at home and also put in some seeds direct.  Some of the french bean seeds have come up and been eaten, none of the runner beans have come up.    Something about runner beans, looking around not many have come up for people.

Fruit bushes seem a bit mixed.  Raspberries looking good, small berries starting to form.  Whereas gooseberries I can no longer find any, and there were not a great deal in the first place.   Black currents there are one or two – I wonder if birds are helping themselves.

We cut down some of the vegetation coming in from the field next to us – in the winter we will put up some scaffold netting to solve the problem.


Salsify on the left, fully recovered from rabbits. Turnips on the right


Runner beans but there should be more. They are starting to climb


Broad beans, plenty of flowers and some amount of black fly. Some soapy water in a spray bottle for next visit. Rocket in the foreground


Courgettes, I still have two in pots at home which I need to find a home. Radishes and spring onions by the side


The first sowings of carrots and beetroot in the foreground, not many carrots made it but beetroot didn’t do too bad. The next sowing of each in the background, doing better.  Was the early sowing worth it?


More beetroot on the left, carrots from a couple of weeks ago on the right all starting to show


Plot overview. Lots of crowded leafs on the gooseberries and limit berries. Potatoes and onions


Strawberries, if I keep the netting on then I need to raise it


Tom’s work on making weeding and leveling off the path


French beans



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