
The plastic sheeting that has covered the plot since around Christmas time was fully removed today showing for the first time the dug over plot which was once mostly grass.   Earlier in the day I had banked up the potatoes which were starting to show and pulled out a load of weeds which were also starting to show around the edge of the plot.    The plastic sheeting had worked well over the months, helping to keep things dry and warm and breaking bits down.   The resulting soil was easy to work with, Tom and Jack helped with a bit of final raking.

The strawberries from Wilkos never seemed to come back to life and so I had bought some new plants off of ebay and we planted them today.   The pots we planted the other week are not showing anything an upon emptying the broadbean pots there were no broadbean seeds left, I wonder who has been eating them.

Back home I re-potted plants sown indoors.   The courgettes and broadbeans all went into larger pots and spent the day outside.   I sowed some sprouts  and some leeks and put them on the window sill.

On the plot I was going to sow a row of broccoli but upon tipping what was left in the seed packet it seemed only 4 seeds were left.   I sowed leeks and a small row of beetroot.

We picked rhubarb, officially the first thing to harvest from the plot.


potatoes were starting to show, so I banked it all up


Sowing for indoors – sprouts, calibrese, leeks join the peppers and tomatoes
soil – uncovered


new strawberries – from ebay


onion sets sprouting


starting to look less like a building site


apple tree coming to life
cherry tree(?) coming to life


something for teatime…



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