Who’s been eating?

Not us, but something has, nothing major but a lot of nibbling of strawberries, rocket, french and runner beans.   This evening’s mid week visit with Tom to weed and water saw us thinking up different ways to protect things.    The strawberries were a bit cramped and were poking through the top of the netting, but not anymore as something had nibbled the ends.   With Tom’s help we managed to drape some netting over the top, while doing so I spotted a nearly red strawberry.  Maybe it might still be there at the weekend.

Good news that the netting we put up around the carrots and beetroot had worked well.  All rows apart from the very first carrots all looking good.  I thinned some of the carrots and re-sowed the April ones that never really came to anything.

At home, the sprouts and celebrese, and even the leeks, could all do with planting out.  Plans for the weekend maybe, once I’ve found room to plant it all.  We might be living on leeks for a while if they all grow, not the worst thing to live off of.


broad beans looking a bit spindly and a lot of flowers died off, maybe my soapy water I sprayed to rid of black fly was a bit too soapy.  Pinched out the tops of some of the worst plants.  Small plant being nibbled and stopping it coming up properly, now protected a little bit.  Rocket nibbled but surviving


Beetroot and carrot protection working.  French beans being nibbled.  Turnips getting bigger


Carrots and beetroot sowed at different times.  


Hoping potatoes will form flowers soon.  Ants seem to have made some suffer and some die.  Onions fine though


This courgette had better still be there at the weekend as we will be eating it!


Quick netting solution…


It looks massive, but it’s actually quite small!   


Plants at home really wanting to be planted out

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