Celeriac and strawberries

Mid week afternoon visit and surprised how dry and needing a watering everything was. I gave everything a watering, did weeding which included thinning the raspberry canes. For ages I have been meaning to fix a front properly onto the compost. All the time it has just had half a pallet leaning against it, now it has half a pallet nailed and fixed into place at the front. It meant I needed to fork the compost about a bit and it was nice to see the lower parts broken down.

I had a bit more time and so I made a start making room for tomato plants which are due to go where there is currently an old and rather woody rosemery bush. A bit of a shame to dig it out but it had got too woody and herbs are something you want in the moment of something happening in the kitchen and so best off at home I think. Having cleared it, the next thing I will do will be to lay down cardboard and put some compost over, digging holes through to put the tomato plants in. That will be for another day..

Lots of plants at home which need planting out rather urgently. The failed sowings of french and runner beans have started to show after a second attempt. Sprout plants I have had to re-pot and the millions of leek and cabbages I’m just so sure what I’m going to do with those.

All peas have now been planted out, all cucumber plants are out and I’m wondering if I will let them run along the ground or climb something. I need to work out just what they could climb up. Celeriac plants all out and bedded in to a very well mulched bed. Beans really need to go out and the leeks that I kept sowing because I thought none were coming up… all came up and I have millions and but much space to put them.

We have been doing a lot of watering and resisting the temptation to use the hosepipe from the bloke’s plot next to us. While handy, it does tend to water everything and weeds pop up within seconds. As it is, bindweed is growing as you watch it and constantly digging bits out. To help with the watering cans and generally transporting bits from the car to the plot, we tarted up an old trolley we got for £5 from a charity shop during the winter. By bolting on some bits of pallet wood we have made a nice little trolley. It will save so many journeys to the tap and carrying watering cans by hand. Watering needed every other day, even the over wintered broad beans were drooping even though they must be pretty deep rooted.

Earlier on in the week we noticed some strawberries starting to turn red, by the weekend they were ready for eating. On returning on bank holiday Monday there were a load more.

I meant to plant out tomatoes but forgot to actually take them to the plot with me. Instead, I prepped the ground for where they can go, narrowing the path to make more room.

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