It’s it not moving then I sowed it, if it wasn’t moving fast enough then I probably had a go at sowing it too. Before I did anything though, I did a bit of planting. The six plants, three different types of lettuce that I have been growing undercover at home I planted out next to the existing radish. They both share the same bit of fleece to keep the wind off of them and any frost that might still be about.
As part of weekly weeding I took a peak under the fleece covering the potatoes and I’m sure I saw a plant starting to poke through. Next week I’ll take a closer look and bank them up as needed. Weeding included pulling out bindweed.
I sowed carrots a bit later this time last year and nothing really came of them. I don’t know why then this year I’m planting them a week earlier with the same expectations. Before I did this I forked over the bed and removed stones. This went across what was an old pathway and so while either side was pretty loose already, the old path had numerous bindweed roots which I took out. The soil up the other end of the plot is now very nice having had a lot of compost spread over it quite a lot last year, it is a pity I am not growing carrots up that end. I sowed half a row and covered to keep the wind off, I’ll do the same each two weeks for a number of weeks.
A short visit this morning which somehow ended up being a couple of hours somehow. I took home the normal, I noticed the chard is now starting to bolt and so pulled up one of the plants. In total I took home:
- rhubarb
- leeks
- chard
overwintered and spring broad beans lettuce to plant out first sowing of carrots taking a quick break lettuce and radish, before covering with fleece – lettuce probably could had done with spacing out a bit more…
When I got home I started on a mammoth sowing session of seeds for either starting off indoors or undercover. I started with the previously chitted parsnip seeds from a couple of weeks ago only to find I should had planted them out at some point last week as they had all mostly sprouted but just a little too much. I was looking at a load of white thin shoots which I didn’t think were viable to plant. Instead, I sowed a new batch straight into tubes to put undercover, two seeds per tube. Once these have started to come up I will transfer into the ground still in their cardboard tubes.
I transplanted red cabbage and celaric seedlings grown indoors into modules outside but undercover.
Checking the contest of “mini plastic greenhouse” versus “undercover round the side of the house” and it is still the side of the house winning. The sun it gets for most of the morning is winning out, the greenhouse is now getting full sun but only for a moment first thing. Mind you, the temperature has gone up to 35c, but only for a couple of hours I would think. Come summer and it will get a lot more, the tomatoes and chillies will like it then.
In total, I sowed:
- parsnips – undercover
- sprouts – undercover
- french beans – undercover
- yellow beans – undercover
- cucumber – indoors
- tomatoes – indoors
Next weekend I will sow the squashes.
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