Just a walk to get bits for tea…

There is not much to do at the plot, nor in the garden. Both are pretty wet and muddy, young plants growing over winter are taking a break while it’s cold and dark, ready to spring back into action when the days get longer. The main reason for a visit this morning was because it was not raining for once and having stayed in all week it was nice to get out. A bonus would be collecting some bits for tea, swede, turnips and sprouts.

We felt it might be nice to try a bit of leek and potato soup for lunch. The ‘failing leeks’ at the plot were still looking a bit sorry but at least a couple had grown quite a bit and were worth pulling. This was more than enough for soup and hopefully shows that a lot of the other leeks will follow over time and it won’t be as bad.

A small bit of weeding and that was it. A nice (a bit cold) morning walk without any rain.

Meanwhile at home I sowed chilies with the hope of them germinating within a couple of weeks if I put them in the south facing window indoors. I refrained by sowing leeks until at least mid February.

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