Strawberries Moved

I pondered about it, I thought I’d leave it to next year, I did some small bits of prep, and then I thought I might as well do it all now. The strawberry bed is now fully moved, with the last lot of path running through the middle of the plot gone and itself moved to the edge (where nothing grows). There have been some left over plants from both those planted and ones on runners, not as many as I thought there would be though. A lot of tidying up, cutting back the plants and putting them back into rows, I also put some of the spare ones in the bed by the raspberries.

The main bed is now tidy and hopefully more manageable. I’ll reduce the number of plants next year if it looks like they will get over crowded again. I’m hoping they will now get all the rain water they need now they are not under the overhanging trees from the field next to us. I’m also hoping the weeds from the field next to us will not cover them, and mostly any mice do not make their home there and over eat of strawberries.

The woodchip path had composted down quite a bit and so I was able to mix it with the soil to add to the bed. It means I am keeping an eye out for when woodchip is delivered to the plot next to redo the paths.

While I was there, I pulled some carrots (I really need to get them all out of the ground now), cut some chard and kale.

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