A short afternoon visit, after all the wind and rain during the week some fresh air was needed and a chance to get out of the house. I spent most of the time just tidying bits up, weeding under the netting of the kale. I raised the height of the netting over the purple sprouting by resting the netting I made the other week on top of a pallet collar. The netting that I made is so quick and easy to remove and replace.
I checked on the onion sets and I recovered the sprouts that had suffered from the bad wind. The leeks look all a bit small and thin, I’m not sure what has gone on with leaks these last coupe of years. Leeks used to be one of our big harvests but since 2020 covid year they have not been up to much, last year we didn’t have any. For some reason they refuse to grow once I plant them out.
I came home with:
- carrots
- kale
Before I left, I turned over last year’s compost which I will be using early next year to plant things out into. There were a lot of twigs on top from the hedge cuttings from home, I removed these, turned over the remainder, stamped on and cut up with spade, and replaced at the bottom of the heap, transferring what was on the bottom to the top and levelled off. With at least another four or five months before I need to use it, I’m quite happy with progress. The other, and current, heap I added the cut up cuttings from the garden.

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