@Three Weeks

We are certainly in business now.  Sunflowers have been outside for a week and while we have lost three of them, the remaining ones are still going.   We have planted a couple of new ones straight into the ground and are awaiting them to appear, we still need to plant one indoors and then we would have had replaced all the ones the slugs had.   We are using slug pellets now.

Potatoes showed above the soil this week and have now been buried under a load of new compost on top.  We will keep an eye on them and keep topping them up until the soil is at the top of the pot.  A long way yet to go.

Grass in the front is doing really well, we have had some warm days with sun and rain.  These last days it is been solid sunshine and so tonight has been my first evening of watering it, with a watering can(!) – it takes about four goes but gets the main bits drenched in a bit of water.









May 08 

Salad is growing slowly.  I think a bit of over watering at one time as killed one or two plants, but we are starting to have some nice looking baby salad leaves:



Sweet Peas are coming up!!!  This is fantastic.  The seeds are from sweet peas that we got off family from Cornwall last year and we saved some of the seeds:

sweet peas 





Basil is doing fine.  I think I need to repot them now, so I have that on my list to do:



Chillies.  Our of four, two have really got going whereas a third one has yet to develop any leaves, I don’t know if it will now.  The fourth…. it is still somewhere not yet appeared:



Cress is much more of a success second time around.  Less watering and it is looking good – ready to eat infact:



Amaranthus is in need or repotting now I think!



Tomatoes certainly in need of repotting!!



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