It is Finally Tree O’ Clock

Tree O' Clock

A bit late, BBC Tree O’ Clock was on the 5th of December 2009 (see  but for that I was unable to find any of the trees available. A week later I happened to be a in garden centre and I noticed a whole load of Tree O’ Clock trees looking all a bit lost and forgotten. They suggested I take what I wanted, and so I did. The next week, it snowed! So finally today, with a bit of ice still on the ground in places, I planted all four of the trees.

Tree O’ Clock was a great idea but strangly not really promoted. It was only by chance listening to the Alternative Kitchen Podcast ( that I heard about it the day before they were meant to be all planted. I wonder how many of these trees will come to anything in the years, I wonder if the BBC will do a follow up each year for people to submit their photos year after year?

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