Old Seeds Sowed – Go Away Cat!

The main flower bed in the back garden has not been touched for some months and was starting to look a bit unloved.  So I cleared away all the old and dead bluebell leaves from the other month, tidied things up and then was left with a couple of bear patches.   It is a probably a bit late in the year now but I thought I’d give it a go anyway and I sowed a number of flower seeds.   A mixture of packets that have been laying around for ages (some up to five years old), I sowed them all in the hope that maybe some will germinate and do something.    You never know.   Last year I left it pretty late to sow wild flower seed in this bed and they all came up with a great show and a lot are back this year too.  So fingers crossed once again.

Along with bear patches of newly sowed soil comes the ever present danger of the cat.  After his attack on the herbs in the grow bags I thought I would not take any chances.  It just so happened that our cherry tree could do with some of the smaller branches trimming, so trim I did, removed the leaves and have stuck in the ground over the sowed seeds with the aim of keeping the cat away.  We wait and see if it will be a success.

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