Blackberry Picking

Picking Blackberries

Around the back of the house we have a small track which runs along the back of everyone’s gardens, it is quite a nice walk away from the noise of the main road.   Being the back of everyone’s gardens it means it is also bramble city, fortunately the track is wide enough to allow for this.   It is time now to go blackberry picking and we have done our first trip.  Strangely neither Tom or Jack will try eating an blackberry and look at me in horror as I pick one off the bush and pop it in my mouth.   For this trip we were going to be out most of the weekend and so these blackberries went into the freezer.  More trips over the next days I think.

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1 thought on “Blackberry Picking

  1. Oh…takes me back yo my childhood days! Used to adore blackberry picking! We never got any actual blueberries home though……just blue clown mouths!

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