Loads of planting been going on

No time to “do the paperwork” but planting has been going on loads since the weekend.   Yet to be updated are the plans, but hopefully tomorrow.   We have now new additions:

  • second square of raddish.  I am a bit concerned as the first square only had 4 seedlings appear from a sowing of 36 and yet the seed is only a year old.   Fingers crossed for the second square, but if I happen to be near a seed shop and have some money on me I might sneak in to buy some more.
  • second square of rocket.  Unlike the raddish, the first square has done very well and so hoping of more the same.  For your interest, the rocket seed is a good 7 years old!
  • chives have been planted.  At the weekend I made potato salad and thought it would be nice to use our own chives next time!
  • third square of salad! You can never have too much salad I feel.
  • thyme.  While at Corfe castle we picked up a free packet of these seeds from the National Trust
  • two squares of tomatoes.  My plan of going tomato free this year did not work out, but at least I did not have anything to with growing these tomato plants as they were two of many plants from a guy on freecycle.
  • carrots. A third sowing of carrots.  The first two are doing well.




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