Weekly Harvest 2nd June 20

2nd June 2020

It’s not yet time to pull the garlic, although it does look like I could pull it slightly early if I wanted – or needed. I needed to pull some of it as the space was needed to put in some cabbages, I pulled one row for this. The rogue garlic from last year had to come out too so I could plant celeriac. 24 months of growing seems to have been quite good, the bulbs were quite large. I’ve hung all these up undercover to dry off for a number of weeks. It will be another two or three weeks until I pull the remainder.

We have been pulling radish and picking lettuce as needed, which seems to be quite a bit.

2020 B/F -£12.47

Radish- 604g£4.83
Broad Beans- 369g£1.59
Lettuce – 93g£0.22
Garlic – 12 bulbs£7.20
RUNNING 2020 TOTAL £1.37

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