Weekly Harvest 1st Sept 20

1st September 2020

It feels cold these days and a warm chicken casserole means we need autumn vegetables and even though it is not yet autumn we have the start of such autumn vegetables in the shape of cabbage (a small one to start with) and kale, some carrots and broccoli. It’s still a bit early for food like this but looking outside, maybe it’s not.

The carrots are small but we have plenty of them, seeing as they stalled a bit during the hot summer they have done pretty well. So far, none of them have been forked or anything, just small and straight.

Let’s not forget summer just yet though, tomatoes and cucumbers, in-fact daily picking of tomatoes each morning before work from the garden. I have started picking mustard leaves as needed for lunchtime sandwiches, these are all the produce of seed from The Veg Grower Podcast supporter membership.

Some last pickings of a final lot of french beans and runner beans are still popping up all over the place. Beetroot remains a constant.

2020 B/F £227.92

Ridge Cucumber – 2£2.78
Runner Beans – 180g£1.09
Beetroot – 238g£0.79
Kale – 15g£0.14
Lettuce – 4g£0.01
Tomato – 343g£3.05
French Beans – 52g£0.35
Carrot – 205g£0.15
Coloured Carrot – 46g£0.61
Chilies – 30g£0.51
Cabbage – 305g£0.24
Brocoli – 79g£0.14
RUNNING 2020 TOTAL £237.78

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