Weekly Harvest 24th Nov 20

24th November 2020

We finally picked a fennel bulb and roast it. The strong aniseed smell you get as you brush up against the plants follows through to the cooking. The first time we’ve tried it, a bit like having aniseed balls with your roast. Not unpleasant but just a different taste to normal. They are still great looking plants but I’m not sure if we will grow them again.

I won’t give up on red cabbage, I’m pleased to say this year’s harvest has been almost double from last year’s. It has taken it from extremely small to really small. I think lack of light once again, planting them too close together once again. I’ll give it one more go next year.

Turnips are all over the place, we have given some of them away. I snuck some small bits into a meat pie at the weekend which worked really well.

In the garden there is little to pick apart from turnips. There is plently of kale and spinach which if we remember to pick it during the day it makes for something great to add in meals for tea in the evening.

2020 B/F £293.21

kale – 37g£0.34
turnip – 220g£0.47
red cabbage – 94g£0.16
fennel – 196g£0.78
beetroot – 100g£0.33
spinach – 8g£0.01
RUNNING 2020 TOTAL £295.50

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