Weekly Harvest 23rd Nov 21

23rd November 2021

We have started using the parsnips from the garden, forgetting just how difficult it is to pull them out if you don’t have a fork handy. We just needed one decent sized parsnip for tea and this is what we got. I was pleased by the length and straightness, hopefully the others will be much the same. They should be, the bed is raised and full of composted horse manure, they looked like they were doing well during the summer and this is showing that.

We also started picking sprouts, just enough for tea again. Another first for the year, our first swede which was mashed and had with tea. I think we are going to be kept in swedes for quite a number of weeks, they are not prize worthy but they are looking good on the plot all the same. I managed to keep the birds off them this year.

I am also pleased with turnips, as much as you can be pleased about such things. Multi-sown back in September and left on their own mostly, we have a small patch of turnips that are all looking good and have had to do little maintenance.

2021 B/F £348.79

parsnip – 182g£0.24
sprouts – 52g£0.11
swede – 352g£0.18
turnip – 205g£0.59
RUNNING 2021 TOTAL £349.91

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