Weekly Harvest 29th June 21

29th June 2021

The middle of summer, and yet most days are wet, windy and cold – harvests are telling the tale. We were picking cherries, millions of them, this time last year. The tree doesn’t have as many as last year on it, they certainly aren’t ready for picking, they are still small and green.

At the same time, it really is summer because strawberries and raspberries are here. There were no raspberries last week and suddenly they appear. Strawberries are no longer being pinched by a mouse which means we are getting to pick them for ourselves, plus we have some from the plants at home. The broad beans came to an end, quite suddenly, and so we picked the remaining pods. Rhubarb has loved the weather.

We have loads of beetroot plants in the garden, I decided to look at thinning some of them out and found small roots ready for pulling, and so we did.

We are a good month behind, the graph below shows this. Last year was so hot early on and it showed, the year before was a bit more normal. this year we are not going to see anything exciting until the middle of July.

2021 B/F £29.84

raspberry – 156g£2.60
broad bean – 1.606kg£7.23
rhubarb – 892g£5.86
chillies – 72g£1.08
beetroot 116g£0.42
spinach – 31g£0.04
strawberry – 322g£2.01
RUNNING 2021 TOTAL £49.08

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