Weekly Harvest 2nd Nov 21

2nd November 2021

.Finally pulled up the carrots, a mix of good large ones and a load of medium ones. Most of them were all straight, not not forked, maybe next year if I thin them out a bit better…. There are some small carrots left over, I’ll leave them there for the winter. We need to do likewise for the loads of beetroot left in the ground, we are pulling them as needed but maybe not fast enough.

Lots of chard and kale. The last lot of chillies were picked before I put most on the compost and some I trimmed back for over wintering. I managed to find a small potato that was left over in the ground and still feasible.

2021 B/F £342.47

chilies – 10g£0.15
beetroot – 119g£0.43
carrot – 1.381kg£1.04
chard – 378g£1.19
kale – 64g£0.57
potato – 33g£0.07
RUNNING 2021 TOTAL £345.92

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