Weekly Harvest 5th Jan 2021

5th January 2021

It was time to dig up the parsnips in the garden. These were all last year’s seed, planted in a hurry into ground never used for growing before. The growth on top had not been fantastic but I was happy with the results when they were dug up. Not the biggest but not the smallest either, importantly most were pointy and looked like parsnips which is a success.

I pulled a couple of leeks, the biggest and best looking. They were not much to look at which shows the leeks (so far) have failed us this year when last year he were living off of them. That’s how things work out some times.

Likewise, the sprouts were planted too close together I am sure and did not get the light they needed. We won’t be picking many more this time.

2021, a new year which means the balance resets to zero. I’ll put together a look back over 2020 soon.

2021 B/F £0.00

leeks – 0.119 kg£0.26
turnip – 0.108 kg£0.23
cabbage – 0.196 kg£0.16
sprouts – 0.080 kg£0.16
parsnip – 2.271 kg£3.18
kale – 0.009 kg£0.08
RUNNING 2020 TOTAL £4.07

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