Weekly Harvest 7th Sept 21

7th September 2021

It’s suddenly a rather late hot summer, for at least four days. Courgettes have slowed down but the runner beans have taken over. Beetroot is there but we are still not eating enough of it, likewise with carrots. We are making a lot of coleslaw with the cabbage and carrots.

The last tomatoes before blight finally got them, so we have picked what’s left and that’s the end of those plants.

2021 B/F £370.46

tomato – 223g£1.98
chillies – 55g£0.83
runner beans – 217g£1.31
raspberry – 100g£0.67
courgette – 164g£0.35
chard – 146g£0.46
ridge cucumber – 2£2.78
carrot – 75g£0.06
beetroot – 176g£0.63
RUNNING 2021 TOTAL £379.53

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