Weekly Harvest 12th April 22

12th April 2022

It will be a sad day when the purple sprouting finally stops providing, we are living off of it at the moment. Plenty to go around and each week it all comes back and we pick some more. I wanted a good purple sprouting year and we seem to have got it.

Rhubarb is something else that keeps growing and we have loads of it, as soon as we pick it, it keeps coming back.

We are also eating a lot of leeks, there are lots in the ground, all quite small but then they were planted together quite close and so that is what to expect. I don’t think I’ll be doing that this year though. It will be a battle to eat or freeze it all before the end of the month, or there abouts.

2022 B/F £11.49

leeks – 232g£0.51
purple sprouting – 350g£3.80
rhubarb – 820g £7.69
RUNNING 2022 TOTAL £23.49

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