Weekly Harvest 26th Aug 2022

26th August 2022

I’ve been happy leaving the potatoes in the ground all the time it’s been really dry, but during the last week we have had a lot of heavy rain. I cleared the plot of both normal and pink fur. Last year we had such a massive harvest, I would had been surprised if we had similar this year. Even so, the total harvest for potatoes had been good, we still have those in the garden to dig up too. The last row on the plot was just left over seed, planted late. Most of the potatoes dug up were small, but still good.

Courgettes may have started, finally. The mix of hot weather and rain has really helped, but maybe it might be a bit late in the year.

2022 B/F £230.40

chillies – 10g£0.13
courgette – 189g£0.47
potato pink fur – 1.447kg£8.68
blackberry – 170g£2.55
tomatoes – 94g£0.84
runner beans – 224g£1.56
ridge cucumber – 2£3.00
potato – 1.551kg£1.55
french beans – 85g£0.60
carrot – 130g£0.10
RUNNING 2022 TOTAL £249.88

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