Weekly Harvest 28th Dec 22

28th December 2022

This could be the last harvest of 2022, and not much harvested these last couple of months due to weather and possibly laziness; most likely a bit of both. Time went so fast and I never got round to tidying up the sprout plants and looking after them. This means when I picked the only three sprouts that looked ready I am thinking that might be it for this year. A bit sad. On the other hand, I’m glad I didn’t pull up the row of beetroot and put them in the compost because we pulled some of those to have roasted and they were all a good size, not massive and not tiny, and not really nibbled away by anything.

We pulled our first swede, these are all from plants I bought off of ebay after my swede seedlings came to nothing. I pulled some parsnip too. These were both direct sown and as I thinned them out I filled in any gaps with the seedlings. The first two parsnips must had been those as they were small and twisted and not worth having, whereas the next one was long and straight.

2022 B/F £298.84

beetroot – 204g£0.82
sprouts – 21g£0.0.5
parsnips – 272g£0.38
swede – 338g£0.17
RUNNING 2022 TOTAL £300.26

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