Weekly Harvest 30th May 22

30th May 2022

We are racing against time to eat all the radish before they bolt. We have eaten all the ones on the plot, sowed as markers for the parsnips, we are in the middle of the main radish row in the garden. We need to then move onto the markers in the garden that were there for parsnips too, but the parsnips never germinated and so it is a mix of radish and french beans. They are large and they are hot, which is all good.

Likewise, lettuce needs eating, mixed leaves and rocket that could bolt any minute now.

In the meantime, a more controlled smaller collection of the three broad bean plants on the plot. We don’t expect much from these but they are giving us what we need. Sometimes we do a quick visit to the plot just before tea in order to grab a couple of pods to add the beans to the tea already underway.

2022 B/F £52.18

lettuce- 96g£1.60
radish – 347g£1.13
broad beans – 175g£0.79
RUNNING 2022 TOTAL £55.70

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