Weekly Harvest 19th July 23

19th July 2023

We started to pull spring onions right up until the french beans started to cover them and made it hard to get to them, we started to pick french beans instead. After the worry of the bent peas in the wind and the birds it turned out we need not worry as we have been picking and podding peas, massive big fat ones.

We dug up one row of potatoes which were a mix of Charlotte and another variety which I can’t remember but they have quite red skins that seem to bleed into the potato a bit.

The chilli plants don’t seem to like the wind that hits them on the window sill. I have moved them but for some it was a bit too late, although we have been picking red chillies so all has not been lost.


2023 B/F £100.04

chillies – 8g£0.14
spring onions – 15g£0.42
carrots – 55g£0.03
blackcurrants – 65g£0.87
potatoes – 4.375kg£4.38
peas – 860g£1.19
beetroot – 698g£2.79
french beans – 300g£1.67
RUNNING 2023 TOTAL £111.53

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