Weekly Harvest 31st Oct 23

31st October 2023

A month of hot sunny days and then dark rainy days… I was able to pick off some runner beans as I was pulling the plants up, an unexpected surprise no doubt bought on by the hot days at the beginning of the month.

We have been pulling small turnips before the weather got too wet and cold. While they are small and young they are quite nice. This has been the first year we have grown them from choice and not as a potential alternative to currency should the end of the world take place, 2023 was the first time in a couple of years where it has felt that was no longer a possibility.

The butternut squash plants were a bit late in planting out which meant we didn’t get a great harvest but we did get a couple which was better than nothing.

Along with the first lot of turnips, we have picked a some early sprouts.


2023 B/F £264.32

butternut squash – 1.468kg£3.23
courgette – 400g£1.20
sprouts – 70g£0.18
runner beans – 79g£0.55
chillies – 7g£0.15
carrots – 204g£0.12
turnips – 217g£0.87
raspberries – 63g£0.80
RUNNING 2023 TOTAL £271.42

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