Weekly Harvest 8th Jan 23

8th January 2023

2022 was not a year for carrots on the plot, not many germinated and by the time some did was a bit too late. I pulled a load of these late germinating ones and took a small bunch of small carrots, but nothing worth talking about really. Beetroot, however, we are still pulling and roasting as needed, likewise parsnips and swedes. The swedes are small, but good all the same.

It’s been a very wet 2023 so far, mud, mud and more mud….

2023 B/F £0.00

beetroot – 261g£1.04
carrots – 83g£0.0.6
parsnips – 164g£0.23
swede – 153g£0.08
RUNNING 2023 TOTAL £1.41

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