Weekly Harvest 14th Jan 24

14th January 2024

I wasn’t sure what to expect from the parsnips as they had struggled all year. Old seed maybe meant it was a struggle to germinate, I sowed loads in a line and not many came up. Ones that did I thinned out and replanted in some of the gaps, something I knew would result in some funny looking parsnips maybe. I dug the first lot today and so far I have yet to find one that was actually parsnip shape, but they were viable all the same.

The turnips have grown and I thought maybe too big to be of any use for cooking, but I did find some medium sized ones. I am liking the purple tops on this variety which, to me, makes it look much more turnip like.


2024 B/F £0/00

turnip – 194g£0.78
parsnip – 480g£0.67
sprouts – 38g£0.10
kale – curly – 39g£0.17
kale – nero – 37g£0.33
RUNNING 2024 TOTAL £2.24

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