I’ve been looking at the half finished bed in the garden and thinking I’m going to have to get some compost to fill it up when I finish the edging. Last weekend I got a bit closer to finishing and this weekend the weather looked good and so I was hoping to get it completed – but how I was going to fill it was still a bit of a puzzle. My normal “heap of poo in a field” source I’m never sure if it is still good or not as I’m sure it is now a different person who owns/rents the field and I’m cautious of them wonder what I’m up to if they happen to arrive at the field the same time as I am there. I did by two massive bags of compost from B&Q which I use the seedlings and had planned to use on the bed too, but I didn’t think it would be enough and it’s not the same as proper rotted down compost.
As if by magic, my “poo auto alert” on the Friday-Ad suddenly came to life notifying me of someone giving around manure at a local stables. I arranged a time and drove up with my spade and many bags, along a rather dodgy looking track and over a field. All was good, well rotted down, and free, I filled nine bags.
Back home, with the small window of sun that currently hits the garden, I finished off the last two edges of the bed. I hoed the soil and spread it out a bit over the bed. The composted manure I put on at the end of last year crumbled nicely while the clay soil on the other side formed big lumps that I chopped up a bit. I layed on top the nine bags and raked over, I still think it could do with a bit more, especially once it has settled down a bit but for now all is ok and will be ready for first sowing direct into the ground.
Sowing wise, I did another tray of leeks after all germinated on the first tray and it didn’t seem like a lot. I also sowed lettuce and radish to be outside but undercover. I have plenty of onion sets but at the same time I seem to have loads of onion seed too and so I sowed a tray of these two. They will either turn into onions over time or spring onions, either way it will all be good.
A quick visit to the plot to pull some leeks and nothing else other than make sure all was ok. The sun was out but there had been a light frost which was still to melt away in the shaded areas. I spent a bit of time filling in holes that some animal had dug in the paths.
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