We nearly got through July without a spot of rain, parts of the country seemed to have been flooded by truck loads of rain (if indeed you can measure rain water by the size of a truck). For us, we got a small bit which meant when I got to the plot this morning there was nothing much to show for the rain over night, digging a bit confirmed this by everything being dry. The ‘end of the world heat wave’ might be over, temperatures are a lot lower and it is certainly windy. It is forecast more wind and rain tomorrow.
I’m quite glad the temperatures are down a bit as it has allowed me to sow some last lot of beetroot and do another row of turnips. During the week I have been forking over the old potato and onion bed, spent all that time picking stones out as I see them which means I have built up quite a pile of stones on the side as I throw them over. I mixed in a bag of mushroom compost and put down some ant powder. Racked it all over and gave it all a water before sowing seeds.
Items this week in quick list format:
- sowed half a row of multi-coloured beetroot (eat our first lot of white beetroot, a strange look but a familiar taste)
- picked beetroot, french and broad beans
- broad beans are mostly finished, I cut some down that were clearly finished
- hoed and watered
- sowed a row of turnips
- sowed more rocket and salad leaves – too hot maybe for the last sowing, nothing came up. This time I’ve tried to shade it a bit by adding the green netting.
- picking tomatoes each day for lunch
- sweet peppers, indoors, all plants apart from one have small peppers
- tidied the strawberries, a couple of runners I had planted in last week have taken and so I have removed the runner bits. I want to get two more and then I an remove all runners and they can concentrate on themselves for a bit
- inspected kale plants, squashed any egg looking things and gave each a shake to highlight any caterpillars. Something is still eating them.
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