How long were we away?

We went away for just the weekend, but when we came back the plot looked a lot different, I can only imagine a mixture of rain and warm weather, everything had grown so much.    I am thinking this might be the last mid week evening visit, we go up earlier each week for a small amount of time before it gets dark.     The plan this evening would be mostly harvesting, a spot of weeding maybe.

Upon arriving we got excited as it looked like a big delivery of pallets to the site, upon closer inspection there had been a delivery but it had someones name on it, it wasn’t a general delivery.   We walked back to the plot to do some hoeing.

Everything had doubled in size, and we were pleased to see the potatoes were starting to show.   We also had a lot of nasturtiums which we pulled up as they had overtaken the bed of spring onions.

All the recently planted beetroot, radish, turnip and swede all looked good.   I was pleased to see the radishes were ready to pull up, four weeks after planting them.  Our first experiment of sowing seeds in plug pots, planting on in groups of three into the top of a thick layer of mushroom compost, and then harvesting them.    These have turned out well, each were perfectly formed radish.  High hopes then for turnips in maybe a couple of months time or so.

Items picked this evening:

  • broccoli, still giving a lot and there will be more ready in a week’s time
  • kale, it really has recovered well and needs its netting sorting out to give it much more space
  • beet leaf, lots to pick and so got a couple of bits of each colour
  • beetroot, all getting a bit large now but only five or six plants left to pull up (although those planted at the beginning of the month growing well for hopefully some baby beet before winter comes
  • salad leaves and rocket, all needs picking before it bolts – we will mostly be eating salad….
  • spring onions, not a great success, or maybe I haven’t been patient enough
  • courgette, there were none growing before we left, now there was a massive one needing to be picked
  • radish, the best radish we have ever grown, at last we know how to grow radish!
  • rhubarb, looks like there is enough for a number of pickings, second harvest of the year

We had our hands full as we left to go home, getting dark before 8 o’clock


late evening, just us on our own


Tom looking pleased with the courgette


only planted the other week, turnips, swede, radish


a busy evening picking


best grown radish so far!


strawberries, will tidy up next time, pull off unwanted runners


sunset at the plot


beet leaf snug out of the way but very much growing


salsify suddenly gone wild, leeks all doubled in size over since last time


potatoes showing, will earth these up next visit


suddenly… everything grew!

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