The clocks have changed, it is cold, wet and windy…. The plan today was to remove the last raised bed, tidy anything up, see if the white fly on the sprouts had improved.
Lots of raking up leaves, pulling up calabrese that has now all in flower, pulling up lettuce and rocket that has gone to seed. I uncovered the kale to give it a bit more room. The sprouts were not looking any better.
The last raised bed contained the french beans which have been giving us beans for months. As I pulled them up I was able to retrieve one last bean. I moved the path, racked things flat, covered in some rotted manure. The plot suddenly looks a lot bigger.
Still plenty to take home:
- carrots – mostly straight and normal looking
- beetroot – small white ones
- turnips – plenty of large ones
- kale
- beet leaf
- the last french bean
- leeks

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