The night of the onions

I was actually quite excited and had waited all day, this evening we would lift all the onions and lay out for drying – and that is what we did.  Out of all the onions we only lost one which was all dried out and eaten in places, all the others were fine.  We left them out to dry with the hope we don’t get a sudden end of the extended hot weather for a day or two.

The plot is starting to look a bit bare, I wouldn’t mind sowing some more turnips but I think nothing is going to germinate just yet in this heat.   Salad leafs planted the other week and covered in netting to keep them out of the hot sun, they have yet to appear, if they ever will.

Tonight’s harvest:

  • so many beetroots ready, we picked four more
  • french beans, a constant flow of them
  • a couple of runner beans, possibly all we will get.  With the heat and lack of water, the shallow raised bed and black fly, I don’t think they are that happy
  • courgette – they have started again
  • rocket, mostly gone to seed but still some leafs worth having
  • beet leafs, note to self to plant more next year
  • broad beans, still coming
  • raspberries, just one or two now, eaten on site
team work, lifting the onions
bush tomatoes at home, lots of small green tomatoes. Pot in the front has some sprouting ginger, I thought I’d see what it does
good job we like beetroot and beans – constant supply each week


marigolds turned out to be so easy to grow from seed


leeks and salsify


starting to empty out


onion soup for the rest of the year


indoors sweet pepper plants – spotted a couple starting to grow


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