Winter Veg

Just pulling and digging various winter veg this weekend, a quick visit as the sun was setting on a cold winter afternoon.   The plot was covered with fallen leaves which next time I will rake up and add to the bag.   We can now see the side fence and the field the other side, suddenly everything feels a lot more open as you watch the hundreds of dog walkers do their lap around the field before going back home somewhere warm.

Items taken home:

  • carrots (will make a carrot cake)
  • turnips
  • salsify (rather forked)
  • kale
  • chard
  • a small leek

We have plenty of leeks but not massive big ones, I wonder if it was too hot and dry during the summer for them to bulk up?

starting to thin out – turnips, carrots, leeks, salsify, leeks


a wintry harvest


so many leaves keep falling

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