More wind, more rain means the runner beans have gone the same way as they did last year, bent over and being pulled out the ground. Netting on various plants has all remained in place though.
I didn’t get to finish weeding last visit and so I did that. Swedes planted the other week were competing with weeds which had grown up to the same height. This was quickly sorted and resulted in two neat rows once again. I had both swedes and turnip seedlings which I sowed two weeks ago and were now ready to plant out. One row of swede to join the others, and one row of turnip.
I also took up some seed potatoes for planting, I was surprised I managed to find space but due to the failure of the butternut squash there was a small bit. I don’t know how well these will do. I dug the ground quite a bit and quite deep. Under the top 3 or 4 inches it was like concrete underneath which explains the bad butternut squash – now it is dug deep and maybe the potatoes will help the ground loosen further over the coming months.
I bought home:
- cucumbers!
- carrots (thinning carrots out, both Nantes and coloured and all coming out pretty much straight)
- chard
- french beans
- runner beans
- beetroot
- apples
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