Tomatoes and Paths

They were saying it was going to be a really hot and sunny bank holiday weekend and so I went up to the plot very early on Saturday and among other things I gave it a good watering before the strong sun had got really high.

A bit of weeding and that is all I had to do. While doing this I noticed half of the winter cabbage had formed nice heads and looked like real cabbages, the other half don’t seem far behind. All I have done is planted them, covered them and watered them, pretty straight forward then.

I decided then to play with the entrance path and continue the small bits me and Tom started the other week. I removed the rest of the internal fence which was between the compost area and the rest of the plot, the only purpose it seemed to have was for bindweed to grow up. Straight away this opened up the space showing we could extend the strawberries maybe. I had to move the plastic sheeting that had been folded up unused ever since we covered the whole plot with it when we first got it. I laid it out to and cut out holes for beds, while getting covered in foul smelling water that had collected over the last 14 months or so.

Covered in mud and not smelling too nice, but at least I had covered some of the paths with the plastic and was able to cover that with some of the free woodchip. Still lots to do, I’ll see if there is any more free woodchip going next time.

I took home:

  • tomatoes – spotted the first lot of ripened yellow ones (I forgot they would not be red) and had the first one for breakfast. I thought they would never change colour
  • young kale leaves
  • yellow courgettes
  • still thinning both orange and coloured carrots
  • cucumbers
  • french beans
  • runner beans
  • beetroot
  • raspberries

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