Evening visits in the heat

All of last week was so super hot we ended up doing quite a lot of visits to the plot in the evening not only to keep things watered but also to be somewhere a bit cooler for a while.

In the garden we ran out of water in the water butt and were back to using tap water each morning. The plants have loved both the watering and the heat. At the allotment we have tried to keep things watered but the cucumbers look like they are suffering. So too with the strawberries which really need extra compost putting around them to add to the rather thin layer they are planted in.

Seeds we sowed have come up, a mixture of spinach and other spinach like things. I had turnip seedlings in a seed tray which looked like they really needed to be planted out, they were drying out too quickly. I put them out at the plot thinking I’d be surprised if they made it, maybe half of them have done so. I did sow further turnips in the garden and some more on the plot.

After all the sun and heat… it now feels like the middle of winter with wind and rain. The water butt is full once again and the cucumber plants in the garden are preparing to take over the world.

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