It has been on the list for months, tidying up the area around the compost bins. We still haven’t really done it but we did make a small start this evening. Our Wednesday evening visits would normally be coming to an end but due to me working from home we can now go up straight after 5 when I finish. Our Wednesday evenings will continue for a little while longer which means we might actually get to tidy up.
As it has been for this year, there is not a lot to harvest off the plot at the moment as it’s all at home. We did bring home one or two tomatoes but that was it. No courgettes or cucumbers, but then we did only pick some at the weekend and we have had lots of wind and rain ever since.
Because we had done a lot of hoeing at the weekend it meant there was not a lot to hoe this evening, just a light touch to keep the weeds down. Checking on the strawberries that we added new compost too the other day showed them a lot happier than they have been all year. I still need to finish this off and do the rest of the them.
We checked and there was woodchip left for plot holders to use and so we had a couple of loads in order to make a small path between two beds. With this path it gives us three largish beds instead of the seven narrow ones.
Back to the compost area, we got to the actual bin and dug out bits around it that had built up. These bits filled a small bucket and turned out to be our first bit of home made compost that we used. We still have a lot of work to do but at least we can now get to the actual compost bin which means in a future visit we will empty it out, take out composted bits and mix up the bits left over.
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