Weekly Harvest 25th Aug 20

25th August 2020

We found then left over under the stairs, we planted them, we watched them grow and put on some really good flowers. They died back and we dug them up. The four seed potatoes produced a suitable number of large potatoes, the first time we have done main crop. They have been no trouble.

We have also been watching the carrots which have suffered a bit in the garden at home due to over crowding in the early days I think, but they have sorted themselves out and upon inspection it looked like we could be pulling them. This we did, getting a collection of orange and coloured carrots, small but in no way tiny. We have carrots at the plot too which might be worth looking at during the next visit.

Runner beans have appeared again and so have one or two french beans.

With the recent hot weather, tomatoes continue to be picked from the garden each morning. Tomato plants on the plot have not thrived but they have given some. Along with lots of tomatoes, we have a whole truck load of beetroot waiting to be pulled, and so we are mostly eating beetroot these days.

2020 B/F £206.32

Ridge Cucumber – 5£6.95
Mixed Herbs£0.85
Runner Beans – 190g£1.15
Beetroot – 508g£1.70
Kale – 11g£0.10
Chard – 114g£0.86
Tomato – 416g£3.70
French Beans – 33g£0.22
Carrot – 93g£0.07
Coloured Carrot – 48g£0.64
Potatoes – 2.68kg£5.36
RUNNING 2020 TOTAL £227.92

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