
A lot of focus has been made on the garden, and for good reason. Everything is busy growing well and there are lots of different plants. At the plot, I fear things have been left alone a bit more which means it is looking a bit unloved even though we have been doing plenty there. But have we, I wonder, I’m still working as if it’s March and realising we are now halfway through the year. Normally I would had spent countless mornings at the plot just doing things, weeding and so on.

I put that right at spent this morning on the plot with the only plant to start tidying up and looking after things a bit more. This included planting out some more fennel to make up the row. I wasn’t going to as it is going to be very hot weather this week and I didn’t want them to go the same way as the celeriac in the hot sun. However, we plan to have a number of evening visits this week in order to dig potatoes and pull onions, so I thought it’s probably a good time to get them out. I still have a lot of seedlings which if I use them, they will go on the garden once there is a bit of room.

I weeded the remaining (4) celeriac plants and noticed the row of carrots I sowed the other week to replace the lost celeriac were starting to come up.

The various brassicas needed weeding and the netting sorted. The white cabbage, sprouts and purple sprouting all doing well. Red cabbage and calebrese had lost a plant each, due to the sun would think. I cut down the broad beans too, we managed to get another 4 pods off them yesterday but now they really have come to an end.

After three hours this morning, the plot is looking a lot better (well half of it, the other half will be for another day). Still looking a bit bare (half the plants are at home in the garden) and the dying off potatoes never looks too good.

While I was at it, I picked more raspberries..

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